If you're only looking to carry one bike, this is the rack for you. I bought this when it first came out (not sure of the exact date, but it came with white suction bands & it didn't have the extra pads that slide over the straps.
It's held up for a long time (probably over a decade, but I don't remember for sure when I got it). One of the clips is showing a bit of rust, but it still works great. The only maintenance I need to do to it, is occasionally add lube to where the suction piece enters the body of it.
Aside from that, it's just fantastic to have a rack that doens't touch the paint at all (attaches to the rear window of my SUV). the bike seat does rest up against the bumper, but it's only when I'm actually taking the bike out, not like a regular rack that rubs up against the paint full time while it's on the car.
And it's great that you can pop it right off the car when you aren't using it. I did buy the security cable ring thing (not sure if that's still a thing, but I do recommend that & a long chain, as it would be easy to steal the bike off your car without it. But it's also easy to steal a bike off your car on a regular rack. Really nothing bad to say about this rack.
I do agree with the prior review that said it's scary at first, but you get used to it. The only other thing I would say is don't leave it on your car. I did that one time for a week & after a few days, the suction starts to fade. If you do leave it on, make sure to pump it up every day. You…